View Source Local installation



To run Claper on your local environment you need to have:

  • Postgres >= 9
  • Elixir >= 1.13.2
  • Erlang >= 24
  • NPM >= 6.14.17
  • NodeJS >= 14.19.2
  • Ghostscript >= 9.5.0 (for PDF support)
  • Libreoffice >= 6.4 (for PPT/PPTX support)

You can also use Docker to easily run a Postgres instance:

  docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=claper -e POSTGRES_USER=claper -e POSTGRES_DB=claper --name claper-db -d postgres:9
  1. Clone the repo
       git clone
  2. Install dependencies
       mix deps.get
  3. Migrate your database
       mix ecto.migrate
  4. Install JS dependencies
       cd assets && npm i
  5. Allow execution of startup file
       chmod +x ./
  6. Start Phoenix endpoint with

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

If you have configured MAIL to local, you can access to the mailbox at localhost:4000/dev/mailbox.


Using Docker Compose

A Docker Compose reference file is provided in the repository. You can use it to run Claper with Docker Compose.

git clone
cd Claper
docker compose up


Using Docker Compose for Dev

To easy check new features, it is possible to directly build the Docker image from the source code and run the container with the docker-compose-dev.yml file.

git clone
cd Claper
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up


ARM architecture

If you are using an ARM architecture (like Apple M1), the original Docker image won't work. You can build the image yourself by replacing the BUILDER_IMAGE argument in the Dockerfile with ARG BUILDER_IMAGE="hexpm/elixir-arm64:1.13.2-erlang-24.2.1-debian-bullseye-20210902-slim" and then build the image as described above.