View Source Presentation storage

You can configure different storage options for your presentations. By default, Claper uses the local storage.

Each presentation has a unique hash that is generated in two steps, first with :erlang.phash2("#{code}-#{name}") and then :erlang.phash2("#{hash}-#{System.system_time(:second)}").


Local storage

The local storage is the default storage option. It stores the presentations in the priv/static/uploads/[hash] folder.

You can change the directory where the presentations are stored by changing the PRESENTATION_STORAGE_DIR variable in the .env file.

The uploads folder will be created automatically if it doesn't exist.


S3 storage

You can use S3 storage to store your presentations.

When user upload a new presentation, the destination file is uploaded to S3 in your bucket in presentations/[hash] and the local file is deleted.