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OpenID Connect

By default, Claper authenticate users with email and password. With OpenID Connect, you can use an external provider like Google or a custom identity provider supporting OpenID Connect.

Refers to the configuration section to see how to set up OpenID Connect on your own instance.


To make your identity provider compatible with Claper, you need to check the following:

  • User emails: All your users should have an email, so the scope email should be defined in the OIDC_SCOPES configuration.

  • Authentication method: Claper only supports the two authentication methods client_secret_basic and client_secret_post.

Callback URL

The callback URL is the link that the external provider will redirect to after the user has authenticated.

For Claper, it is https://<your-claper-instance>/users/oidc/callback.

Do not forget to add the callback URL to the list of allowed redirect URLs in the external provider.